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Do you have different views to our scoring? We would love to hear your views!
Just add your ratings of Lisbon to the following star charts - only fill the charts you want to:
For a city break? How good was Lisbon for a city break?
The WOW factor - Where your friends and family impressed that you were going to Lisbon?
Sights and activities - Was there lots to see and do in Lisbon?
Tourism facilities - Were there good hotels, accommodation, transport restaurants and general tourist facilities?
Value for money - Was it less expensive than you were expecting, or did the budget fly by?
Nightlife - Was there good nightlife in Lisbon, were bars and restaurants social and friendly, and most importantly did you enjoy it?
Romantic break - Is this a destination you would take your loved one?
Foodie trip - Where there great local cuisines, where there wonderful restaurants, did you just want to eat all day?
Solo travel - If you travelled by yourself, did you find Lisbon safe, where people accommodating and did you have a good time?
Shopping & style - Did Lisbon provide cutting edge fashions, independent shops and a great shopping experience?
For a family - Was Lisbon a good destination for your family holiday?
Museums & History - Where the museums outstanding, was the city alive with culture and were the historic sites impressive?
Overall rating – Considering everything about your trip to Lisbon what score would you give it?
Our scoring of Lisbon